為慶祝12/3世界身心障礙者日,募集有關 說明殘疾人賦權和社會融合以及行動不便的重要性的圖像/影片 。 參賽作品之投稿至11月29日截止! 得獎作品將於2020年ISPOWER活動中進行宣傳! 今年募集的作品主題為「Promoting the participation of persons with disabilities and their leadership: taking action on the 2030 Development Agenda.」 詳細活動說明請見 ISPO官方網站 #ISPOWER CAMPAIGN On 3 December 2019, we are inviting ISPO members, partners and friends to join #ISPOWER on social media to celebrate the UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) and promote the empowerment of persons with disabilities and an inclusive and equal society for all. What is #ISPOWER? #ISPOWER is ISPO’s call to action for improved access to Assistive Health Technology (AHT) & care to help people with impaired mobility participate fully in society. Through #ISPOWER, together we raise public and decision makers’ awareness and understanding of the importance of P&O and AHT care in helping to transform the lives of people with impaired mobility and integrate them into society. Join u...